Culitos: a coherent brand strategy set by crazy naming


Wine naming, specially in English, has always been one of the funkiest naming categories with unforgettable masterpieces like the ones you can see in this article by Craig Silver in Forbes, where he states: «There are very few places where there’s leeway in getting supercreative with naming conventions–that is, where the naming convention is to be unconventional.»

Chile is famous for its poets, its infamous dictator and its wine, which is sold all over the world and gaining more and more markets. These wines aren’t as creative, in terms of naming, as Americans or Australians are, but they can get very consistent regarding their naming-inspired marketing strategy. Welcome to CULITOS brand universe!  Sigue leyendo


Identidad verbal y valor de marca: #verbalbrandingproject 1

Una idea brillante, brillantemente ejecutada por Chipotle, una de las marcas más proactivas y auténticas de la última ola de #newsuperbrands. Microrrelatos al servicio de la creación de valor y personalidad de marca pero también de un mundo más amable y reflexivo. ¿Es un vaso o es un punto de encuentro entre un escritor y un lector? Literatura al servicio de un brand management relevante, ergo brand equity. #tonodevoz #storytelling #contentmarketing #literatura

Web Cultivating Thought by Chipotle
